SVP013 - Dorian Paic
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strictly vinyl podcast 013: Dorian Paic

Dorian Paic: I simply love vinyl because of the fact that I grew up with it and it always has been one of my biggest passions. I got my first vinyl at the age of 8 or 9. It was an album from Kiss. Ever since then I have been buying and collecting vinyl. I have worked in several record shops for more than 10 years and also I am running a little label called Raum Musik together with my partner Olaf Zern for over 15 years as well. With the recent upsurge of vinyl and vinyl culture, clubs should and will become aware of the need to optimize the soundsystem to the unique warmth and analogue sound of the black beauty!

release date: 2014-01-27
length: 01:06:56

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