strictly vinyl podcast 019: Johanna Knutsson
Johanna Knutsson: For me, vinyl is the most fun medium to work with, watching a screen or looking in a CD-case never did it for me. I noticed that I never remembered the names I read on a CD, a name of a track/artist on the CD didn´t mean anything to me. Now when I´ve played a vinyl record once I can remember how the track sounds by just looking at the label/sleeve, since I have a photographic memory. I also really enjoy working with my hands, I´ve always had jobs like that (pizza baker, hairdresser/makeup artist and now DJ). It has so far been the only interest that I´ve kept interested in, and it will forever me my number 1 hobby to collect and play vinyl.
This mix is a special after-hour/post-party mix, suitable for dark winter days. This mix is dedicated to Mika who had an unfairly rough year behind him. You´re an inspiration to so many of us!
release date: 2015-01-26 |